How to overcome climate anxiety

The climate crisis is a grim reality with far-reaching emotional impact. Sustainable designers and environmental activists share tips for balancing personal wellbeing and collective action.
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Stella McCartney

The path to sustainable action for a fashion business is far from easy. “I’m continually in conflict,” admits New York designer Mara Hoffman. “Wrestling with the collective climate impact of the fashion industry and how we’re trying to reform and revolutionise it within our little company. Are we doing enough? Can we leave enough of an impact?”

Hoffman’s brand is built on an ethos of sustainability. She is one of many designers dealing with the emotional toll of tackling the climate crisis while maintaining a profitable business. “The climate crisis is an enormous issue,” agrees British designer Bethany Williams. “When you feel like something is out of your control, that’s when mental health issues come up. Running a sustainable business, there’s a balancing act between people and planet, looking after people and making enough money to pay their wages. Climate anxiety comes up a lot because we’re always thinking about our impact.”