
Beauty’s newest backers? Celebrities

Celebrities like Kate Hudson, Oprah and Dua Lipa are foregoing their own brand launches, instead taking stakes in disruptive businesses. Investment can bring mutual benefits, but it’s a long-term play.
Dua Lipa is an investor in Dizziak the haircare brand by Loretta De Feo.
Dua Lipa is an investor in Dizziak, the haircare brand by Loretta De Feo.Photo: Rebecca Miller for Dizziak

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Kate Hudson is not only an actor and entrepreneur; she’s now adding beauty investor and creative advisor to her repertoire. This week, Hudson became just that for Symbiome, a San Francisco-based microbiome-focused skincare brand that she has been using for years in a non-sponsored capacity. “Almost immediately after I started using Symbiome, I could see and feel the difference,” Hudson said in a statement. She added that she felt aligned with Symbiome’s “mission to improve health from the outside in”.